What is Cloud Cost Management?

Cloud cost management is the process of identifying, understanding, and controlling costs associated with cloud services. By effectively monitoring, forecasting, and decision making, organizations can control their costs and stay within budget.

The Need for Cloud Cost Management

When businesses first moved from traditional IT setups to cloud computing, they expected to save a lot of money. The cloud lets companies scale their resources up or down as needed, without heavy initial investments in hardware. However, as more companies have embraced cloud services, many are noticing their costs are actually going up month after month.

This rise in costs comes from several challenges: dealing with different pricing structures as they use multiple cloud providers, managing complex environments that mix both old-school IT and cloud services, and sometimes even paying for cloud resources they don't really use.

Cloud spend management has become a critical priority, with up to 82% of senior leadership stating it being their primary concern.

Each cloud provider has its own set of tools and pricing models, which can make it hard to keep a clear track of spending. Without a planned approach to manage these costs, the expected savings from moving to the cloud can quickly be outweighed by inefficient use and unnecessary expenses.

What is Cloud Cost Management (FinOps)?

Cloud cost management or Cloud FinOps refers to the process of identifying, understanding, and controlling costs associated with cloud services. This includes monitoring and optimizing expenses, forecasting future costs, and making informed decisions about the use of cloud resources.

Cloud cost management helps organizations to ensure that they are only paying for the resources they need and not wasting money on unnecessary services. It also helps organizations identify areas where they can optimize their cloud infrastructure and reduce costs.

It is a process that helps companies to understand their cloud expenditure and make data-driven decisions to optimize their cloud usage and costs. It includes identifying, monitoring, and managing the costs of cloud services, and the resources that are consumed.

6 Benefits of Cloud Cost Management

Effective cloud cost management provides several tangible benefits that can significantly impact an organization's financial health and operational efficiency. Here are some key advantages:

1. Reduced Costs

The most direct benefit of effective cloud cost management is the reduction of unnecessary expenses. By closely monitoring usage and adjusting resources to match actual needs, organizations can avoid overpaying for unused or underutilized services. Techniques such as scaling down resources during off-peak times or choosing more cost-effective service options can result in substantial savings.

2. Improved Budget Accuracy

With robust cloud cost management, businesses gain a clearer understanding of their cloud spending patterns. This improved visibility enables more accurate budget forecasting. Organizations can predict their cloud expenses more reliably, which helps in financial planning and reduces the likelihood of unexpected costs.

3. Enhanced Resource Utilization

Managing cloud costs effectively includes regular reviews of how resources are used. This ensures that every allocated resource is fully optimized for its cost. For instance, reallocating or resizing resources to match the current demands ensures that companies are not paying for more capacity than they need.

4. Increased Operational Efficiency

When teams are aware of the costs associated with their cloud usage, they are more likely to use resources efficiently. This cost-awareness fosters a culture of cost efficiency across the organization. Additionally, streamlined operations lead to better performance and can indirectly boost revenue by improving service delivery.

5. Strategic Investment Opportunities

Savings realized from effective cloud cost management can be redirected towards more strategic initiatives that can drive business growth. For example, funds can be invested in developing new products, enhancing customer service, or expanding into new markets.

6. Better Compliance and Security Posture

Good cloud cost management practices often overlap with improved security and compliance measures. By monitoring and managing cloud usage, businesses can ensure that they adhere to regulatory requirements and maintain high security standards. Regular audits and adjustments to cloud deployments can prevent security breaches that might lead to costly penalties or damage to reputation.

What is FinOps? How does it help in Cloud Cost Optimization?

FinOps or Cloud Financial Management is a strategic approach and cultural practice that brings together teams from finance, IT, and business units.

It’s not just about the numbers, but shaping behaviors.

At its core, FinOps ensures that every dollar spent in the cloud results in business value. Rather than operating in silos, teams collaborate, ensuring every member is accountable for the cloud costs they generate.

How does FinOps work?

Cloud expenditures should be perceived less as routine costs and more as strategic investments. High cloud expenditure isn’t necessarily bad- It can be a marker of growth, an enabler of faster product releases, or even a step towards shutting down an on-premises data center. FinOps encourages this perspective by promoting both efficiency and empowerment.

As aptly stated, sometimes businesses will tighten the belt; other times, they’ll decide to invest more. But with a FinOps outlook, teams comprehend the rationale behind these decisions.

FinOps Domains and Capabilities

Adopting and implementing FinOps within your organization requires an understanding of a few crucial concepts, namely FinOps Domains. In essence, FinOps Domains represent a sphere of activity or knowledge, covering every facet of cloud financial management.

Within each domain, you’ll find a suite of FinOps Capabilities. These capabilities serve as building blocks for constructing a robust FinOps strategy, helping you to monitor, measure, and optimize your cloud expenditures effectively.

The 6 FinOps Domains for Cloud Cost Optimization

Understanding FinOps means diving into its six core domains, each with its unique capabilities. The domains offer both high-level overviews and specific functional tasks, allowing organizations to customize their approach based on their maturity level in FinOps.

1. Understanding Cloud Usage and Cost

This domain lays the groundwork for all subsequent FinOps activities by systematically collating and normalizing data relevant to your cloud expenditures. By delving into this domain, organizations can discern what’s driving their cloud spending, thereby enabling more FinOps actions in other domains.

Essentially, it answers two pivotal questions: What cloud services are you using, and what are their associated costs?

Capabilities for Understanding Cloud Usage and Cost

Cost Allocation

Cost Allocation is the practice of breaking down and assigning portions of your consolidated cloud bill to specific departments or projects. The core focus here is not on actioning costs but on clearly understanding who owns what.

  • Hierarchies & Metadata: Utilize account hierarchies and resource-level metadata to divide costs.
  • FinOps Platforms: Employ cloud native (AWS Cost Allocation Tags, GCP Cloud Tags) or third-party FinOps platforms for advanced allocation capabilities.
  • Compliance: Address resources with no metadata as a compliance issue.

Managing Shared Costs

Managing Shared Costs involves the fair distribution of shared cloud resource expenses across the organization. The aim could be full allocation or adopting an ‘informed ignore’ approach based on business priorities.

  • Transparency and Accuracy: Central to FinOps, these are hampered when shared costs are not allocated properly.
  • Business Units: Consider the varying needs of different business units when dividing shared costs.

Data Ingestion and Normalization

This capability centers on collecting, transforming, and standardizing vast datasets relevant to your cloud expenses. The process harmonizes billing data, usage information, and even business-specific metrics into a queryable repository.

  • Data Sources: Pull data from multiple cloud and IT repositories.
  • Timeliness & Granularity: Ensure data is up-to-date and at the needed level of detail for decision-making.

2. Performance Tracking and Benchmarking

This domain serves as the operational backbone for organizations aiming to align cloud costs with strategic objectives. By setting and mapping usage and costs to budgets, leveraging historical data for forecasting, and establishing measurable KPIs, organizations can answer a crucial question:

Does our spending and usage align with our strategic and organizational goals?

Capabilities in Performance Tracking and Benchmarking


Forecasting is an art and science of predicting future cloud expenditures. It involves a combination of historical data and future planning, scrutinized through different models that are often created in collaboration with Finance, Engineering, and Executive teams.

  • Multi-disciplinary Collaboration: Teams across departments collaborate to agree upon forecast models and KPIs.
  • Variable Nature: Cloud spend is inherently variable, making it essential to adopt flexible forecasting models.
  • Data Dependency: The accuracy of forecasting models is highly dependent on the robustness of other FinOps capabilities like cost allocation.

Budget Management

Budgeting for cloud operations involves collecting estimated expenses over a specific period and making strategic decisions based on these budgets. Whether expenses are ‘favorable’ or ‘unfavorable’ to the budget can significantly influence operational and investment decisions.

  • Expense Accumulation: Estimate and accumulate expenses for a specific time frame.
  • Tracking & Forecasting: Keep track of actual expenses and forecast remaining spend, identifying variances to the budget.
  • Investigation: Dive deep into the causes of budget variances to make informed decisions.

Resource Utilization & Efficiency

This capability focuses on extracting maximum value from every unit of cloud cost. By closely observing resource utilization over time and considering performance, availability, and other quality metrics, organizations can make educated decisions about cloud spend.

  • Compute Resources: Evaluate whether the performance or availability gains justify the extra expenses, or if performance expectations can be adjusted to improve costs.
  • Storage Resources: Estimate latent inefficiencies in stored data to realize potential gross savings through rightsizing or removal.
  • Tailored Approaches: Different types of resources, like compressible data or high-cost storage tiers, require specific strategies for optimization.

3. Real-Time Decision Making

The crux of effective cloud cost management lies in the ability to make real-time, data-informed decisions. By cultivating an environment that offers timely, reliable, and stakeholder-specific data, organizations can optimize their decision-making velocity and align their operational goals more precisely to cloud realities. This domain essentially addresses:

What immediate actions can your organization take to align cloud usage better with its goals?

Capabilities in Real-Time Decision Making

Measuring Unit Costs

Unlock profitability with metrics that correlate cloud spend to business value, focusing on Cloud Unit Economics. This capability helps determine the break-even point for cloud operations.

  • Business Value Metrics: Link cloud expenses directly to revenue or specific business units.
  • Marginal Analysis: Calculate the difference between marginal cost and marginal revenue to identify break-even points.
  • Alignment with Business Growth: Ensure cloud spend scales with the rate of business expansion.

Managing Anomalies

Anomaly Management is about quickly detecting and resolving unanticipated spikes in cloud spending. The capability is crucial for minimizing negative impacts, financial or otherwise, on the business.

  • Automated Detection: Use machine learning-based tools to identify spending anomalies.
  • Triage Anomalies: Prioritize high-impact alerts for immediate resolution.
  • Resolution Paths: Take appropriate actions to either adjust the environment or acknowledge the spending anomaly.

FinOps Decision & Accountability Framework

This capability emphasizes establishing a structured decision-making and accountability hierarchy within the organization. It provides clarity and consistency in handling financial decisions related to cloud costs.

Here is a sample RACI model from the FinOps Foundation:

  • Clear Lines of Authority: Document who holds decision-making authority and who has an advisory role.
  • Cross-Functional Teams: Encourage collaborations between different teams for balanced and informed decision-making.
  • Scalable Framework: Maintain relevance across organizations of different sizes, whether it’s a 20-person startup or a larger enterprise.

Say farewell to high cloud costs and hello to savings!

Tired of cloud costs that are sky-high? Economize to the rescue!

On average, users save 30% on their cloud bills and enjoy a reduction in engineering efforts. It's like finding money in your couch cushions, but better!

4. Cloud Rate Optimization

At the core of financial prudence in cloud computing is Cloud Rate Optimization. This domain delves into the art and science of refining how you purchase and manage cloud services to ensure alignment with your business and financial objectives. Essentially, it tackles the pivotal question:

How can you modify your cloud expenditure and purchase strategy to achieve optimum price performance?

Intersection of Cloud FinOps and Sustainability

Incorporate sustainability as a pillar in your cloud financial strategy, balancing both economic and environmental costs. This capability sets a path for long-term, eco-friendly cloud management.

  • Lifecycle Analysis: Scrutinize the complete environmental impact, from resource sourcing to disposal.
  • Eco-Friendly Technologies: Implement technologies powered by renewable energy sources.
  • Dual Sustainability: Align both business and environmental goals for a comprehensive approach.

Managing Commitment-Based Discounts

Optimize your organization’s Effective Savings Rate (ESR) by utilizing commitment-based discounts offered by cloud service providers. This capability brings clarity and efficiency to how discounts are managed and applied.

  • Rate Optimization Types: Employ spend-based or resource-based commitment discounts. AWS offers Savings Plans, while GCP offers CUDs and SUDs.
  • Provider-Specific Rules: Understand each cloud service provider’s unique discount offerings.
  • Impact on ESR: Regularly monitor the effects of commitment levels on your Effective Savings Rate.

Data Analysis & Showback

Turn data into actionable insights by offering real-time reporting tailored for stakeholder needs. This capability leans heavily on proper data collection and normalization, serving as the bedrock for other financial management processes.

  • Data Ingestion: Acquire and normalize cost and usage data from cloud services.
  • Stakeholder Reporting: Create near real-time reports spotlighting total costs, cost avoidance opportunities, and financial KPIs.
  • Tool Utilization: Choose between native cloud-provider tools and third-party solutions for data analysis and reporting.

5. Cloud Usage Optimization

The essence of Cloud Usage Optimization lies in the real-time alignment of cloud resources to workload demand. By employing techniques like predictive rightsizing, dynamic scaling, and resource turn-off, organizations can achieve unmatched efficiency. The fundamental question this domain addresses is:

How can we adapt what and when we’re using cloud resources to better align with our organizational goals?

Capabilities in Cloud Usage Optimization

Workload Management & Automation

One of the cornerstones of cloud usage optimization is the capability to run resources only when they’re genuinely needed. It bestows FinOps teams with the tools to dynamically match supply with demand, thereby optimizing cloud usage.

  • Dynamic Provisioning: Adapt resource provisioning in real-time according to workload needs. A developing practice, Augmented FinOps automates provisioning and management with ML models.
  • Auto-Scaling: Automate the scaling of resources to meet fluctuating demands.
  • Resource Turn-Off: Implement automated turn-off mechanisms for idle resources.

Onboarding Workloads

This capability focuses on establishing financial and technical criteria to evaluate the viability of onboarding new or existing applications to the cloud environment.

  • Financial Assessment: Evaluate the economic feasibility of onboarding new workloads.
  • Technical Feasibility: Assess the technical aspects like performance, security, and scalability.
  • Brownfield & Greenfield: Apply the same assessments for both existing (brownfield) and new (greenfield) projects.

FinOps Intersecting Frameworks

FinOps doesn’t operate in isolation; it intersects with various other organizational frameworks. This capability captures these interactions, setting the stage for a more unified operational approach.

  • Framework Synergy: Identify the synergies between FinOps and other frameworks like ITSM, ITFM, PMO, and ITAM.
  • Maturity Assessment: Distinguish between FinOps Run and FinOps Walk maturity levels based on framework integration.
  • Challenges & Solutions: Address new challenges that arise when traditional processes meet the cloud.

6. Organizational Alignment

The bedrock of efficient cloud management, Organizational Alignment, enables seamless integration of FinOps into broader IT financial strategies, existing processes, and organizational structures. This domain is designed to drive a cultural transformation in cloud usage, aimed to boost value.

It essentially asks:

What internal organizational changes can be made to utilize the cloud more effectively?

Cloud Policy & Governance

Policy and Governance provide the underpinning structure for effective FinOps activities. A finely crafted Cloud Policy sets the organization’s intent regarding specific cloud activities, designed to enhance business value. Meanwhile, Cloud Governance involves the tools and processes that ensure policy adherence.

  • Statement of Intent: Clearly articulate cloud-related activities aligned with organizational standards.
  • Control Mechanisms: Employ tools and processes that monitor activities to ensure they align with policy.
  • Outcome Monitoring: Regularly assess whether the intended business outcomes are being achieved through governance measures.


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Cost Reviews and Audits

As important as it is to set up effective cost optimization strategies, it’s equally crucial to revisit these strategies periodically to ensure their efficiency. Regular cost reviews and audits serve as a reality check, uncovering potential areas of wastage and opportunities for further savings.

Here’s how regular cost reviews and audits contribute to cloud cost optimization:

Expenditure Analysis

Conducting a regular analysis of your cloud expenditure can help reveal hidden costs or anomalies that may indicate resource inefficiency or wastage. For example, a sudden spike in your AWS EC2 or Google Compute Engine costs could signal an un-optimized autoscaling policy that needs immediate attention.

Resource Utilization Check

Regularly reviewing resource utilization metrics can help identify underused or idle resources that are adding unnecessary costs. For example, a consistently low CPU usage on an EC2 instance or a GCE instance could indicate that the instance is oversized for the workload it is handling. In such cases, right-sizing the instance could result in significant cost savings.

Cloud TCO

Conducting a Cloud TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) analysis is a great way to discover the direct and indirect costs associated with your cloud environment. Direct costs include charges for application code rewriting, cloud infrastructure setup, while indirect costs are long the lines of compliance and licensing fees, additional expertise, cost of new skilled employees.

Compliance Audits

Periodic audits can help ensure that your cloud operations remain compliant with relevant policies and regulations, preventing potential legal complications and penalties. Moreover, security audits can uncover vulnerabilities that, if left unaddressed, could lead to costly breaches. Tools like AWS Security Hub or Google Cloud Security Command Center can assist in automating these audits.

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Automation of Reviews and Audits

Automating your cost reviews and audits not only saves time but also improves accuracy by eliminating the possibility of human error. Tools like AWS Health Dashboard can automate the tracking and analysis of your cloud spending, making the review process more efficient and reliable.

Say farewell to high cloud costs and hello to savings!

Tired of cloud costs that are sky-high? Economize to the rescue!

On average, users save 30% on their cloud bills and enjoy a reduction in engineering efforts. It's like finding money in your couch cushions, but better!

Cloud Cost Calculators

Cloud cost calculators are essential tools for organizations looking to estimate their potential cloud spending before actually committing to the services. These calculators help businesses plan their budgets more effectively, understand the cost implications of different configurations, and make informed decisions about cloud investments.

AWS Cost Calculator

Our AWS Cost Calculator allows users to model and estimate their AWS deployments without needing to deploy any resources. This tool is incredibly useful for planning and budgeting purposes, as it provides detailed cost breakdowns based on the specific services and configuration options selected by the user.

GCP Pricing Calculator

Similarly, the GCP Pricing Calculator is designed to provide prospective and current customers with a convenient way to estimate the cost of using Google Cloud products. Like its AWS counterpart, it supports various GCP services, including but not limited to Compute Engine, Cloud SQL, and BigQuery. Users can specify their expected usage patterns, choose different service options, and get a detailed projection of monthly or annual costs.

Cloud Cost Management Tools

Cloud providers and private organizations realized that an automated software that tracks cost expenditures, gives accurate recommendations, and maintains visibility along with analyzing billing data is the answer towards ballooning cloud expenditures.

Here are a few native cloud cost tracking and management tools from each cloud provider:

AWS Cost Explorer

AWS Cost Explorer is a fully managed service designed to provide a comprehensive overview of your AWS usage and spending. With a user-friendly interface, it allows organizations to view and track their costs and usage patterns across different services and regions. Cost Explorer provides detailed reports that include historical data for up to the last 12 months and forecasts for the upcoming three months.

GCP Billing Console

The GCP Billing Console is Google’s own management console, offering native visibility and control over your Google Cloud Platform resources. The platform integrates seamlessly with other Google Cloud services, providing real-time data and operational metrics that help users optimize their cloud expenses.

Azure Cost Management

Azure Cost Management is a powerful service provided by Microsoft that enables users to monitor, allocate, and optimize cloud costs within Azure. It provides comprehensive cost analysis tools that help users understand where their money is going, identify and prevent wasteful spending, and implement cost-effective resource usage strategies.

Open Source Cloud Cost Optimization Tools

Open source cloud cost optimization tools provide a budget-friendly and flexible alternative for organizations looking to manage their cloud expenditures without committing to proprietary software. These tools often come with the advantage of community support and the ability to customize features to suit specific needs.

How to Choose the Right Cloud Cost Management Tools

Here is a brief guide to keep in mind when selecting your Cloud Cost Management tools. Each of these parameters listed below are crucial features that your solution must have.

Effective tools should offer features such as detailed analytics, budgeting forecasts, real-time alerts, and comprehensive reporting capabilities. They should also integrate well with existing cloud environments to offer seamless cost management.

1. FinOps Vendor Reputation and Reliability

Let’s start with the basics. You need a Vendor with a track record for consistency and innovation. Browse through customer reviews and seek testimonials that emphasize reliability, consistent updates, and long-term support. A vendor’s financial stability is equally crucial; you want to partner with someone committed to evolving with your needs.

2. Tool Functionality and Ease of Use

When it comes to tools, “more” doesn’t always mean “better.” The tools should offer a robust set of features like cost allocation, budgeting, and forecasting, but should also be user-friendly. Check for customizable dashboards, intuitive interfaces, and data-drill-down capabilities.

3. Scalability Matters

As your business grows, so will your cloud operations. Ensure that the tool you choose can scale with you. Will the tool continue to operate seamlessly as your cloud complexity expands? A scalable solution will save you the headache of future migrations and financial recalibrations.

4. Compliance and Security

In today’s environment, data protection is non-negotiable. Ensure that the tools and vendors you opt for adhere to industry-standard compliance requirements. Are they GDPR compliant? Do they support two-factor authentication? Your vendor should treat security as a priority.

5. Pricing and Value for Money

In FinOps, the phrase “you get what you pay for” is especially relevant. While pricing should be competitive, what really counts is the ROI. Look for tools that offer not just cost-cutting recommendations but also ways to improve resource utilization and enhance performance.

6. Customer Support and Training

Ongoing support can make or break your FinOps experience. How quickly does the vendor respond to issues? Do they offer training sessions, documentation, or tutorials to help you get the most out of the tool? Good customer support is a strong indicator of a vendor’s overall reliability.

7. Reviews and Testimonials

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of community feedback. Detailed reviews can provide insights into how the tool performs in real-world scenarios. These reviews often discuss the challenges faced and how the tool helped overcome them, offering a more nuanced understanding of its capabilities.

How Economize Can Help with High Cloud Costs

Economize stands out in the cloud cost management space by offering a dynamic and effective solution for organizations struggling with high cloud costs across AWS, GCP, and Azure environments. Here are a few ways it can help cut down your costs:

Ridiculously Beautiful Cost Reports

Gain a holistic view of your cloud costs by bringing together all spend data from different cloud environments into one place, making it easier to track and manage your costs. With our aggregated view, you can get a complete picture of your cloud financial health and make informed decisions. Always stay on top of your cloud costs and pilot it like a pro.

Slice and dice your complex cost data

Flexibility for you to focus on the area that matters the most to you — whether that be at the organization, project, billing account, or even tag level. Export the reports and share them with your team and stakeholders. Obtain a bird’s-eye view of your entire organization’s costs and drill down to an organization, or a project, a billing account, or as granular as a tag. Promote transparency and accountability and align everyone on a shared FinOps goal.

Cloud Visibility. Financial Stability.

Empower your developers with cloud cost visibility allows them to understand the financial impact of their decisions and take ownership of their costs. Foster a culture of cost awareness and accountability to achieve long-term financial stability. Analyze cost patterns and consumption trends and predict future costs to perform budgeting and financial planning.

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