Geographic Redundancy

The practice of storing duplicate instances of data in geographically diverse locations to ensure availability during a failure or catastrophe.

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What is Geographic Redundancy in cloud computing?

In cloud computing, Geographic Redundancy refers to the practice of storing data in multiple, geographically diverse locations to ensure data availability and durability. This is particularly important for disaster recovery and business continuity planning. Geographic redundancy is a key strategy for minimizing the risk of data loss and downtime due to localized events such as natural disasters, power outages, or network failures.

  • Geographic Redundancy can significantly increase data durability and availability, ensuring business continuity even in the event of a disaster.
  • It provides an additional layer of protection against data loss and service interruptions.

How does Geographic Redundancy work?

Geographic Redundancy works by storing copies of data in different geographical locations. This can include:

  • Data replication: Data is copied and stored in multiple locations.
  • Failover systems: In the event of a system failure, operations are automatically transferred to a secondary system in a different location.

Geographic Redundancy Example

A global e-commerce company, GlobalShop, stores its data in multiple data centers around the world. This ensures that even if a natural disaster takes one data center offline, the data is still available from other locations, allowing GlobalShop to continue serving its customers without interruption.

  • By implementing geographic redundancy, GlobalShop ensures that its services remain available to customers at all times, regardless of localized disruptions.
  • This strategy also protects GlobalShop's data against loss, providing an additional layer of security for the company's valuable information.

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