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Easily switch between different perspectives, from high-level summaries to granular details, giving you the flexibility to view your data in a way that makes sense for you and your team.

Get started for free

Make informed decisions

Customizable Views
Choose from a variety of pre-set views or create your own to suit your specific needs. This ensures that you have the right level of detail to make informed decisions and take action.
Multiple Perspectives
Switch between high-level summaries, detailed breakdowns, and granular data to gain a deeper understanding of where your money is going.
Easy-to-Use Interface
Quickly and easily access the information you need, saving you time and increasing efficiency.


Trusted by infrastructure teams. Loved by all


Explore other capabilities

Organization Cost Reports

Get in-depth, customizable reports on your cost data, allowing you to see exactly where your resources are going and where you can make cost-saving optimizations.


Gain a clear understanding of your resource utilization, streamline your infrastructure, and make informed decisions with the help of the Hierarchy.

Aerial View

Get a comprehensive overview of your infrastructure, showing you exactly where your resources are being utilized and where you can make cost-saving optimizations.

Say farewell to high cloud costs and hello to savings!

Tired of cloud costs that are sky-high? Economize to the rescue!

On average, users save 30% on their cloud bills and enjoy a reduction in engineering efforts. It's like finding money in your couch cushions, but better!

Connects to your cloud provider instantly

Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform
Microsoft Azure
The cloud cost tool for every business