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Ultimate FinOps tool to get real control

Economize is the ultimate FinOps tool for teams looking to take real control of their cloud expenses. Our platform gives FinOps teams the insights and tools they need to manage and optimize their cloud costs in real time. With Economize, teams can easily identify areas of overspending, track usage and performance across all cloud services, and implement cost-saving strategies to reduce expenses.

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Trusted by infrastructure teams. loved by all


Empowering Teams to Take Control of Cloud Spending

Economize empowers teams to take control of their cloud costs by providing them with a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that allows them to monitor and optimize their cloud spend. With Economize, teams can easily identify areas of unnecessary spending, implement cost-saving strategies, and ensure that their cloud costs are aligned with their business goals.

Collaborative Cloud Cost Management for Teams

Economize allows teams to collaborate and work together to manage their cloud costs. The platform's user-friendly interface and real-time reporting capabilities allow team members to easily share information and insights, making it easier for teams to make data-driven decisions about their cloud spend.

Economize features

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Obtain a bird's-eye view of your entire organization's costs and drill down to an organization, or a project a billing account, or as granular as a tag


Track & resolve incidents related to your cloud infrastructure in real time. Investigate the root cause of your unexpected spikes and drops, so you can bounce back stronger


Easily browse and manage
your cloud assets including virtual machines, storage, and networking resources, to gain visibility into your infrastructure & optimize utilization.


Receive personalized recommendations for reducing cloud costs &
Improving efficiency based on your usage patterns
and cost drivers.


Stay informed about important events, such as
budget thresholds, resource utilization, & performance issues, with
customizable notification alerts.

Organization View

Gain a comprehensive view of your entire cloud organization, including multiple accounts, regions, & resources, to better understand and manage your costs.

Account Management

With the ability to invite
team members, set up
multiple environments,
and link projects & accounts, you can easily
track and manage your
costs at scale.


Utilize advanced
forecasting tools to predict your future cloud costs, allowing you to plan and allocate your budget more effectively.

Budget Management

Set and track budgets for
your cloud costs, receiving alerts when you are approaching or exceeding
your budget limits.

Goodbye to overspending

  • Instantly connect AWS, GCP environments
  • Identify upto 30% cost reduction
  • No credit card required.
Get started

Connects to your cloud provider instantly

Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform
Microsoft Azure
The cloud cost tool for every business